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Date: October 6, 2023


The health and well-being of our students and staff are our priority. Recently, there has been an increase in reported cases of COVID-19 in Philadelphia. We continue to align our school-based recommendations with the Philadelphia Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control’s COVID-19 practices.

According to the Philadelphia Department of Health, during times of significant increase in cases or outbreaks, K-12 schools should consider the following prevention strategies:

  • Encouraging staff and families to stay up to date on vaccinations.
  • Encouraging everyday prevention including staying home when sick, getting tested, improving ventilation, hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, and cleaning and disinfection.
  • Allowing individuals to mask as necessary (masks are available in the front office of our building)
  • Temporarily stopping high-risk activities

For more information on K-12 School recommendations, please visit the Philadelphia Department of Health Resources and Management of COVID-19.

If your child tests positive for COVID-19, please inform the school nurse and use the CDC Isolation and Exposure Calculator to determine a return to school date.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact (enter name of school contact).

Thank you,

American Paradigm Schools

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